You cannot use a VPN, TVN or Proxy to access our site our course materials due to our security measures. In addition you will need a laptop or desktop computer as well. Review the following requirements for your camera, operating system, upload/download speeds, RAM, ports, microphones, and browsers. Also included is a list of technology not currently supported by ProctorU.
Internet Connection
Wifi Connection
Wired Connection
PC Users
Windows 10 (Windows 10 S mode is not supported)
Windows 11
Mac Users
MacOS 10.13 (Oldest Still Maintained Version)
MacOS 10.15
More than 2 core CPU, less than 85% CPU Usage
More than 4 core CPU, less than 50% CPU Usage
640x480 resolution
1280x720 resolution
Internet Download Speed
1 Mbps
12 Mbps
Internet Upload Speed
1 Mbps
3 Mbps
4 GB, less than 95% Ram Usage
16 GB, less than 90% Usage
Connectivity Ports
1935, 843, 80, 443, 61613, UDP/TCP
1935, 843, 80, 443, 61613, UDP/TCP
Screen Resolution
1366 x 768
1920 x 1080 and above
Additional Requirements:
- A functioning microphone (some web cameras have them built-in); microphone should not be part of headphones
- Headphones are generally not permitted, check with your testing organization to determine if headphones are permitted
- A compatible browser: Google Chrome (preferred) or Mozilla Firefox
Not Supported:
- Microsoft Edge browser
- Google Chromebooks (with Guardian Browser)
- Google Chromebooks for Live+ or Review+
- Tablets (Nexus, iPad, Tab, Note, etc.)
- Smartphones
- Linux operating systems
- Windows 10 in S mode or Surface RT
- Connecting from within a virtual machine. You will be asked to reconnect using your host operating system to take your exam
- Apple Boot Camp
- Remote Access Software
- Inactive Version of Windows and Test Builds/Test Mode